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Porous Media
Darcy equation
Ergun equation
Kozeny-Carman equation
Pressurized Pipes
Generate system curve
Major Head Losses
Darcy-Weisbach formula for head loss in water
Hazen-Williams equation head loss
Fair-Whipple-Hsiao equation
Universal x Hazen-Williams relationship
Head loss coefficient in pipe stretches
Minor Head Losses
Reentrant inlet
Well-rounded inlet
Conic inlet
Pipe exit
Sudden reduction
Gate valve
90° curve and elbow
Gradual expansion
45° junction with lateral outflow
45° junction with lateral inflow
Tee with lateral inflow
Tee with lateral outflow
Venturi meter
45° elbow
45° curve
Foot valve
Check valve
Globe valve
Sharp-edged inlet
Head loss in gradual reduction of channel section
Head loss in gradual expansion of channel section
Tee with symetric bilateral outflow
Head loss coefficient of a partially open butterfly valve
Head loss coefficient applicable to partially open ball valve
Head loss coefficient applicable to partially open gate and knife gate valves
Head loss coefficient of a totally open butterfly valve
Head loss coefficient applicable to partially open diaphragm valve
Head loss coefficient applicable to partially open globe valve
Head loss coefficient applicable to partially open angle valve
Head loss coefficient applicable to totally open gate valve
Head loss coefficient applicable to partially open y valve
Head loss coefficient in orifices and strainers
Circular Cross Section
Circular channel - normal flow
Circular channel - critical depth
Rectangular Cross Section
Rectangular channel - critical flow
Rectangular channel: uniform flow
Trapezoidal Cross Section
Trapezoidal channel: uniform flow
Flow Meters
Orifice plate
Parshall flume
Venturi flow meter
Flow estimate: Vertical tube
Flow estimate: horizontal / inclined tube
Flow estimate: californian method
Palmer-Bowlus meters
Tank drainage time
Head in orifices and nozzles
Rectangular weir
Circular weir
Triangular weir
Velocity gradient in rectangular weir
Velocity gradient in triangular weir
Trapezoidal weir
Velocity gradient in generic triangular weir
Special Problems
Anchorage: horizontal curve
Anchorage: reduction
Anchorage: 90° T
Anchorage: simetric Y junction
Anchorage: junction
Three reservoirs problem
Velocity head
Water supply
Water treatment
Head loss in water treatment trash racks
Sigma Mechanized inclined screen grid
Flash Mixing
Turbine flash mixer
Velocity gradient to Parshall meter
Parshall flume selection (Life Saneamento)
Mechanized mixer for flash mixing (Aquaflash) and flocculation (Aquafloc)
Axial turbine flocculator
Vertical chicane hydraulic flocculator compartment
Tray floculator compartment
Horizontal chicane hydraulic flocculator compartment
Hydrofoil turbine floculator
Baffles in coagulated water channel
Sedimentation tank stilling walls
Lamellar settling tank: settled water collection
Flocculated water distribution under plates
Lamellar settling modules
Settling tank: hydraulic superficial loading rate
Rectangular section trough
Conventional settling tank: triangular weirs at the edges of the settled water troughs
Sludge removal device for settling tank (BIOWASSERTRACK®)
Conventional settling tank: horizontal flow velocity
Decanter inlet channels
Discharge of decanters through manifoldand pressure duct
Distribution pipe with non standartized decreasing diameters in settling tanks
Filters: washing flow
Filters: washing volume
Washing water collector gutter
Filters: areas for floodgates and adjacent valves
Filters: filtration rate
Head loss in stratified clean filter bed
Gate and valve adjacent to the filter: recomended dimensions
Expansion of the filter bed
Head losses in non-stratified granular beds
Head loss in the filter bed during washing
Backwash head loss in Pluvitec Master pipes
Head loss in californian beam
Filter balance
Filter outlet: rectangular weir
Filter outlet: triangular weir
Head loss in filter bottom universal type
Specification for blowers
Filtralite filter media: Payback determination
Disc filtration system Hidrosolo
Pressure drop in Leopold blocks
Contact Tank
Determination of contact time - Ordinance GM/MS No. 888
Centrifugal Decanter (Pieralisi)
Chemical Feed Building
Sodium hypochlorite generator (ACQUANOX®)
Fluossilicic acid: storage, preparation and dosing
Soda ash: storage, preparation and dosing
Slaked lime: storage, preparation and dosing
Ferric chloride
Liquid aluminium sulfate
Solid aluminium sulfate
Sodium hypochlorite: storage, preparation and dosing
Chlorine gas storage and dosing
Powder calcium hypochlorite
Sodium orthopolyphosphate solution
Sodium fluorosilicate solution
Sodium hydroxide
Tablet calcium hypochlorite
Tablet chlorinator
Hydrated lime saturator cone
Solid chlorine dosage calculator
Zeolite filter media: Controll MF-574
Velocity gradients through pipes and passages
Velocity gradient in rectangular orifices
Velocity gradient in pipes and circular orifices
Velocity gradients through channels
Velocity gradient and head loss in ducts with a rectangular section
Sludge handling
Centrifugal decanter
Sludge treatment
Estimation of sludge production in water treatment plants
Calculation of reservation volume of water supply system
Volume of resevoirs: Rippl's method
Water intake
Surface water
Water grit chamber
Equilibrium of floating bodies: Duhamel's formula
Transmission pipelines
Transmission pipe calculation (Darcy-Weisbach friction factor)
Economic pipeline design - Bresse Formula
Pump and system curves
Pumping stations
Specific pump velocity
Manometric head
Estimated power
Available NPSH calculation
Estimation of the required NPSH, using the Thoma factor
Water quality
Most commom chemical compounds: formula and molecular mass
Standard table of cyanotoxins in water for human consumption
Table of bacteriological standard of water for human consumption
Potability organoleptic standard table
Consumption forecast
Water supply: production flow
Wastewater Systems
Wastewater Treatment
Head loss in sewer trash racks
Anaerobic reactor
Activated sludge bioreactor
Grit chamber
Monod equation
Oxygen flow
Oxygen supply for aeration tank
Thin mechanized step screen
High performance percolator biologic filter
Settling tank for percolator biologic filter
Sanitary wastewater sludge drying beds
Circular primary decanter for conventional ETE
Sigma rotary distributor for biological filter
Anaerobic lagoon
Facultative pond: Mara method
Facultative pond: method based on surface load application rate
Submerged aerated biological filter
Submerged aerated biofilter
BOD and COD removal efficiencies in aerated submerged biofilters
BOD and COD removal efficiencies in aerated submerged biological filters
UASB reactors
UASB reactor: volume determination
UASB reactor: plan area and depth
UASB reactor: influent distribution system
Basic data for a wastewater treatment plant design
UASB cylindrical D = 2,40 m; V = 23,28 m³
UASB check-list: hydraulic parameters
Sewer Outfall
Self Purification
River Self-Purification: Streeter-Phelps Method
Concentration mixer
Residential static systems
Septic tank
Trenches of residencial septic tank
SALUTAR anaerobic filter
Septic tank project - SALUTAR dimensions
Static mixer
Physical Properties
Water properties
Water vapor pressure
Atmospheric pressure given altitude
Air specific mass
Dynamic viscosity of atmospheric air
Unit conversion
Statute mile
Nautical miles
Inches of mercury
Ounce Force
Pound force
Ton (long)
Tons (short)
Square inches
Pound-force per square inches
Rigid body 2D
Dimensions of a circle
Dimensions of a rectangle
Methane flame temperature
Domestic garden and orchard
Domestic orchard: recomended distance
Domestic gardens and orchards: water consumption
Water Hammer
Celerity in pipes filled with water
Michaud's formula
Estimated time for manual use of gate valves
Estimated time of manual closure
Estimated inertia
Parmakian's curves
Transport phenomena
Mass transfer
Gas disffusion
Brokaw's formula
Fuller's formula
Hirschefelder's equation
Wilke's multicomponent equation
Difusivity in liquids
Wilke and Chang's equation
Hayduk and Laudie's equation
Vignes equation
Nernst–Haskell's equation
Heat transfer
Empirical correlations
Empirical flat plate correlations
Empirical correlations of circular tubes
Dimensionless numbers
Grashof's number
Rayleigh's number
Nusselt's number
Population forecast
Poulation growth: Arithmetic rate
Poulation growth: logistic function
Population growth: geometric method
Series of values
Series interpolation
Series Inverse Interpolation
Resample series
Net Present Value (NPV)