45° junction with lateral outflow
Given the flow

Input data

Flow (Q)

Flow (q)

Diameter (D)

Diameter (d)

Output data

Head loss (hf,d)

Head loss (hf,s)


Performs head losses calculations in in 45° junction with lateral outflow. There are two options:

Given the flow

Given the incoming flow, the lateral outcoming flow and the main pipe and junction diameters, calculates the head losses in the main flow and in the lateral flow.


Given the main pipe and the lateral diameters, calculates the head losses coeficients corresponding to the expressions ℎf = k.U2/2g and hf=k.U22g hf = k.\frac{U^2}{2g} e hf=kQ.Q2 hf = kQ.Q^2 for the main and lateral flows.

45° junction


  • Silvestre, Paschoal. Hidráulica geral. Rio de Janeiro, LTC, 1979.