For the chemical compound selected in the relation, presents its chemical formula and molecular mass.
Number | Compound |
1 | Acetone (propanone) |
2 | Carbonic acid |
3 | Hydrochloric acid |
4 | Fluosilicic acid |
5 | Nitric acid |
6 | Sulfuric acid |
7 | Sulfuric acid |
8 | Water |
9 | Methyl alcohol (methanol) |
10 | Alcohol (ethyl alcohol, ethanol) |
11 | Sodium aluminate |
12 | Ammonia |
13 | Bicarbonate (anion) |
14 | Calcium bicarbonate |
15 | Sodium bicarbonate |
16 | Butane |
17 | Hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide) |
18 | Carbonate (anion) |
19 | Calcium carbonate |
20 | Sodium carbonate |
21 | Sodium chloride |
22 | Ferric chloride |
23 | Ferric chloride |
24 | Molecular chlorine |
25 | Chloramine (monochloramine) |
26 | Chlorine dioxide |
27 | Ethane |
28 | Sodium Fluosilicate |
29 | Ammonium hydroxide |
30 | Calcium hydroxide |
31 | Calcium hypochlorite |
32 | Sodium hypochlorite |
33 | Sodium hypochlorite |
34 | Ammonium ion (cation) |
35 | Methane |
36 | Nitrate (anion) |
37 | Calcium oxide |
38 | Pentane |
39 | Propane |
40 | Salt (sodium chloride) |
41 | Sulfate (anion) |
42 | Aluminum sulfate |
43 | Calcium sulfate |
44 | Ferrous sulfate |
45 | Trichloramine |