Given the influent flow and BOD concentration, finds the supplying mass oxygen flow.
Three possibilities are available:
The activated sludge system will not perform the sewage nitrification (without nitrification);
The activated sludge system will perform the sewage nitrification (with nitrification);
The activated sludge system will treat the UASB reactors effluent (for UASB).
Given the influent flow and BOD concentration, finds the supplying mass oxygen flow.
Three possibilities are available:
The activated sludge system will not perform the sewage nitrification (without nitrification);
The activated sludge system will perform the sewage nitrification (with nitrification);
The activated sludge system will treat the UASB reactors effluent (for UASB).
Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas - ABNT. NBR - 12.209. Elaboração de projetos hidráulico-sanitários de estações de tratamento de esgotos sanitários. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 2011.