Upflow level (ym) | m | Water level at the upstream side |
Upflow velocity (Um) | m/s | Velocity of flow at the upstream side |
Energy (Em) | J | Energy associated with the upstream flow |
Velocity between bars (Ubb) | m/s | Flow velocity between the trashrack bars |
Head loss (Hl) | m | Pressure drop or head loss |
Upflow level at 50% (ym50) | m | Upstream level calculated with 50% of the flow |
Upflow velocity at 50% (Um50) | m/s | Upstream velocity at 50% of the flow |
Velocity between bars at 50% (Ubb50) | m/s | Velocity between bars with 50% of the flow |
Upflow energy at 50% (Em50) | J | Energy with 50% of the flow |
Head loss at 50% (Hl50) | m | Head loss with 50% of the flow |
Flow output (Qout) | m³/s | Volume of water exiting the system |