Anaerobic reactor
Anaerobic reactor

Input data

Average affluent flow

Affluente chemical oxygen demand

Solids production coefficient

Expected concentration for the disposal sludge

Sludge density

Reactor height

Width of each opening for the decanter

External width of each gas collector

Output data

Volumetric organic load

Volumetric hydraulic load

Number of tubes for distribution along the length of the reactor

Total area of decanters

Estimated sludge production per day

Sludge volume per day

Hydarulic detention time

Average superficial velocity

Average speed through openings


  • VON SPERLING, Marcos. Princípios do tratamento biológico de águas residuárias: Reatores anaeróbios. 2. ed. Belo Horizonte: Desa, 2002. 5 v.