Cálculo de Autodepuração: Método de Streeter-Phelps

Input data


Cross section area

River length

Upstream BOD

Upstream dissolved oxygen


Deoxygenation constant

Reaeration constant

Output data

Downstream dissolved oxygen

Downstream BOD

Critical dissolved oxygen concentration

Critical length



River Self-Purification: Streeter-Phelps Method

Performs a self-purification calculation using the Streeter-Phelps model, which simulates the oxygen dynamics and BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) in a river. This method calculates the degradation of organic matter and the oxygen replenishment through reaeration over a specific river length, helping in assessing water quality.

Input Parameters

ParameterDefault UnitsDescription
Flowm3/sm^3/sWater flow rate
Cross section aream2m^2Cross-sectional area of the river
River lengthkmLength of the river
Upstream BODmg/LBiochemical oxygen demand at upstream
Upstream dissolved oxygenmg/LDissolved oxygen concentration upstream
Temperature°CWater temperature (default: 20°C)
Deoxygenation constantd1d^{-1}Rate of oxygen consumption
Reaeration constantd1d^{-1}Rate of oxygen replenishment

Output Parameters

ParameterDefault UnitsDescription
Flowm3/sm^3/sOutput water flow rate
Downstream dissolved oxygenmg/LOxygen concentration at the downstream point
Downstream BODmg/LBOD at the downstream point
Critical dissolved oxygen concentrationmg/LMinimum dissolved oxygen concentration
Critical lengthkmRiver length where oxygen reaches a minimum
Concentrations table-Table of dissolved oxygen along the river


  • Streeter H. W., Phelps E. B., 1925, A Study of the pollution and natural purification of the Ohio river. III. Factors concerned in the phenomena of oxidation and reaeration, Public Health Bulletin no. 146, Reprinted by U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, 1958