Series Inverse Interpolation

Input data

x Values

y values

Queried y value

Output data

Interpolated x value


The "Series Inverse Interpolation" operation allows you to estimate the x value corresponding to a specific y value using inverse linear interpolation based on two known data series. This feature is useful when you know an output value (y) and want to find the corresponding input value (x). The calculation is performed using two series: one containing x values and another containing the corresponding y values.


How It Works:

  • Inputs:

    • x values: Series of numbers representing the x data points (minimum of 1 row, maximum of 300 rows).
    • y values: Series of numbers representing the y data points (minimum of 1 row, maximum of 300 rows).
    • Queried y value: Specific y value for which the corresponding x value is to be found.
  • Output:

    • Interpolated x value: The estimated x value corresponding to the queried y value, calculated based on the input series using inverse linear interpolation.

This functionality is valuable in data analysis and mathematical modeling, where determining input values based on known outcomes is required.