Given the values of the average influent flow, average influent BOD, dimensions occupied by the support medium, specific area of the support medium and the volume of air to be applied per mass of BOD, calculate the values of the volumetric organic load, surface organic load and air flow to apply.

- This depth must not be less than 1.60 m.
- This specific surface area must not exceed 250 m²/m³
- The applied volumetric organic load must be equal to or less than 1.8 kg BOD/(m³.d)
- The applied surface organic load must be less than 15 g BOD/(m².d) (referring to the specific surface of the support medium); In cases also aiming at nitrification, the applied ammonia nitrogen load cannot exceed 1 g N / (m².d)
- Aeration must be uniformly distributed, at a minimum rate of 30 Nm³ air/kg BOD applied to remove organic matter
- Submerged aerated biological filters must have a secondary decanter to clarify the effluent.