This calculation uses parameters such as the flow rate of the WTP, the average turbidity of raw water, and the average dosage of aluminum sulfate. It estimates:
These results assist in the design and operation of Sludge Treatment Plants (STP).
Note: This calculation provides estimated values (first approximation) based on average values obtained in practice. These estimates should be validated through specific studies tailored to practical applications.
Parameter | Standard units | Description |
Water treatment plant flow rate | L/s | Flow rate of water treated at the WTP. |
Average dosage of aluminum sulfate | mg/L | Average concentration of aluminum sulfate dosed. |
Average turbidity of raw water | uT | Indicator of impurities in raw water. |
Percentage removal of solids permitted in flocculators and settling tanks | % | Percentage of solids removed during decantation. |
Percentage removal of solids allowed in filters | % | Percentage of solids removed in filters. |
Solids concentration allowed in the bottom discharge | % | Solids in the discharged sludge. |
Solids concentration allowed in filter washwater | % | Solids in the filter washwater. |
Parameter | Standard units | Description |
Daily mass of solids produced | kg/d | Amount of solids produced daily. |
Daily volume of sludge produced by settling tanks | m3 | Daily volume of sludge generated by settling tanks. |
Daily volume of washwater produced by filters | m3 | Daily volume of water used for filter washing. |