Tanque de aeração: oxigênio a fornecer (ABNT 12209)
Without nitrification
With nitrification
Input data
Concentration of BOD
Upstream flow
Output data
Oxygen mass
Given the influent flow and BOD concentration, finds the supplying mass oxygen flow.
Three possibilities are available:
The activated sludge system will not perform the sewage nitrification (without nitrification);
The activated sludge system will perform the sewage nitrification (with nitrification);
The activated sludge system will treat the UASB reactors effluent (for UASB).
Given the influent flow and BOD concentration, finds the supplying mass oxygen flow.
Three possibilities are available:
The activated sludge system will not perform the sewage nitrification (without nitrification);
The activated sludge system will perform the sewage nitrification (with nitrification);
The activated sludge system will treat the UASB reactors effluent (for UASB).
Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas - ABNT. NBR - 12.209. Elaboração de projetos hidráulico-sanitários de estações de tratamento de esgotos sanitários. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 2011.