Tabela de padrão bacteriológico da água para consumo humano

Input data

Number of parameter

Output data




For the type of supply system selected in the relation, shows its maximum permissible value.

IdentifierForms of supplyParameterVMP¹
1SAIEscherichia coli²Absence in 100 mL
2SAA and SACTotal coliforms³Absence in 100 mL

Total coliforms in systems or collective alternative solutions that supply less than 20,000 inhabitants:

Only one sample, among the samples examined during the month by the person responsible for the system or by a collective alternative water supply solution, may present a positive result

Total coliforms in systems or collective alternative solutions that supply less than 20,000 inhabitants:

Absence of 95% of the 100 mL samples examined during the month by the person responsible for the system or by an alternative collective water supply solution.


¹Maximum value allowed; ²Indicator of fecal contamination; ³Treatment efficiency indicator.

The established values refer to:

  • SAI;
  • SAA e SAC


  • SAA (water supply system): has a distribuition net.

  • SAC (Collective alternative solution): has not a distribuition net.

  • SAI (Individual alternative solution of water supply for human consumption) is defined as each and every alternative solution of water supply that caters to a single home.


  • Ministério da Saúde. Portaria GM/MS nºº 888,de 4 de maio de 2021. Brasília, 2021.