Reator UASB: determinação do volume

Input data

Upstream average flow

Upstream maximum flow

Average temperature of sewage

Upstream COD

Output data


Hydraulic detention time for average flow

Hydraulic detention time for maximum flow

Volumetric organic load (kgCOD/(m³.d))

Volumetric hydraulic load (m³/(m³.d))


Given the average (QmQ_m) and maximum (QMQ_M) influent flows to the UASB reactor, the sewage COD and the temperature, calculates the reactor volume and the hydraulic detention time corresponding to QmQ_m and QMQ_M.


Typical values for reference

  • Usual average hydraulic detention time > 4.8 h

  • Usual average organic loading < 15 kg COD / m³.d

  • Usual average hydraulc detention time < 5 m³/m³.d


UASB reactor volume


  • CHERNICHARO, Carlos A. de L. Princípios do tratamento biológico de águas residuárias. Volume 5: Reatores anaeróbios. Belo Horizonte: DESA, 1997.