Reator anaeróbio
Anaerobic reactor

Input data

Average affluent flow

Affluente chemical oxygen demand

Solids production coefficient

Expected concentration for the disposal sludge

Sludge density

Reactor height

Width of each opening for the decanter

External width of each gas collector

Output data

Volumetric organic load

Volumetric hydraulic load

Number of tubes for distribution along the length of the reactor

Total area of decanters

Estimated sludge production per day

Sludge volume per day

Hydarulic detention time

Average superficial velocity

Average speed through openings


The calculation for the UASB reactor optimizes the design and operation of the system by efficiently treating effluents, estimating organic load, sludge production, and flow dynamics based on the physicochemical characteristics of the influent.


Volumetric Organic Load: Calculated from the average influent flow and the influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) to estimate the effectiveness of the anaerobic treatment.


Sludge Production and Concentration: Determined by the solid production coefficient and sludge density, essential for waste management planning.


Reactor Dimensions: Defined by the reactor height, the width of the openings for the settler, and the external width of the gas collectors, fundamental for structural and functional design.


Volumetric Hydraulic Load and Distribution: Calculated using the reactor dimensions to optimize the effluent distribution and treatment efficiency.


Settler Area and Number of Tubes: Estimated to ensure efficient sludge separation and effluent clarification.


Hydraulic Retention Time and Surface Velocities: Designed to ensure adequate contact time and correct solid sedimentation, as well as to optimize biogas capture.



  • VON SPERLING, Marcos. Princípios do tratamento biológico de águas residuárias: Reatores anaeróbios. 2. ed. Belo Horizonte: Desa, 2002. 5 v.