Gradiente de velocidade em vertedouro retangular
Velocity gradient in rectangular weir

Input data

Incoming flow

Water temperature

Weir lenght (Lv)

Square chamber dimension (b)

Chamber depth (D)

Downflow channel depth (y)

Distance between the weir vertex and the bottom of the chamber (yv)

Output data


Water depth upstream the weir (Hv)

Detention time in the chamber

Velocity gradient


Given the water temperature, the flow to be treated and the desired dimensions of the weir and of the mixing chamber downstream the weir, calculates the water height upstream the weir, the detention time in the chamber and the velocity gradient.


  • NOU, Mohammad R. G. et alii. Control of bed scour downstream of ski-jump spillway combination of six-legged concrete elements and rip- rap. Ain Shams Engineering Journal. 11(2020) 1047-1059.