Floculador de turbina axial
Axial turbine turbine for flocculation

Input data

Incoming flow

Water temperature

Turbine diameter

Square tank side length

Tank depth


Output data

Velocity gradient

Detention time


Given the water flow to be treated, the dimensions of the tank for flocculation, the diameter and the rotation of the turbine, calculates the velocity gradient and the detention time in the tank. Relationships between tank dimensions indicated in the figure must be observed.

2.0LD6.60.9hD1.12.7HD3.9De=12Db=8B=b2θ=45°\begin{align*} &2.0 \le \frac{L}{D} \le 6.6 && && 0.9 \le \frac{h}{D} \le 1.1 && && 2.7 \le \frac{H}{D} \le 3.9\\ \\ &\frac{D}{e} = 12 && && \frac{D}{b} = 8 && && B=b\sqrt{2} \\ \\ &\theta=45\degree \end{align*}

Relações dimensionais do floculador


  • PARLATORE, A. C. Mistura e floculação. In: CETESB. Técnica de abastecimento de água. 3. Ed. São Paulo: CETESB, 1987.