Filtros: áreas para comportas e válvulas adjacentes
Input data
Flow (Q)
Superficial area (A)
Washing velocity (Ua)
Number of filters (n)
Output data
Washing flow (QL)
Inlet area to the filters (AI)
Outlet area of the filters (Ao)
Area for washing water(Apl)
Area of washing water(AL)
Given the flow to be filtered Q, the number of filters n, the superficial area (A=a⋅b) of each filter and the washing velocity Ua, calculates the minimum reccomended areas for inlets and outlets to the filters.
The washing velocity must be between 0.60 and 0.95 m/min.
AZEVEDO NETTO, J. M. DE. Manual de hidráulica. 9. Ed. São Paulo, Blucher, 2015.