Cálculo de adutoras (fórmula universal)
Downstream water level (J)
Pipe diameter (D)
Pipe length (L)
Equivalent roughness (k)
Flow (Q)

Input data

Flow (Q)

Temperature (T)

Diameter (D)

Length (L)

Equivalent roughness (k)

Roughness multiplier

Upstream water level (M)

Localized head loss coefficient

Output data

Downstream water level (J)


Design transmission pipes based on the universal formula.


Transmission pipe calculations based on the Darcy-Weisbach equation.


Performs calculations concerning gravity pressurized transmission pipes using the Darcy-Weisbach equation.


Given the geometric characteristics of the transmission line, offers five calculation alternatives:


  • Calculates the downflow elevation
  • Calculates the pipe diameter
  • Calculates the pipe length
  • Calculates the pipe roughness coefficient
  • Calculates the flow


Transmission pipeline


  • CHURCHILL, Stuart W. (1977). Friction-factor equation spans all fluid-flow regimes. Chemical engineering, Nov.