Márcio Neto

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Privacy Policy


In accordance with the provisions of Law 13,709/18, which deals with data protection and other relevant legislation, we present the Privacy and Security Policy of the Voima Toolbox application.


This document is linked to and is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of Use of this application and may be changed at any time to comply with rules established by the legislation governing data processing.


Accessing, visiting, and remaining in this application is a free choice and occurs at the user's will and desire. Your visit and continued use of the application are your choices.


By means of this document, the user is made aware that from the moment they access and remain on any of our pages, they are automatically demonstrating their explicit agreement with all the rules and terms set forth in the Privacy and Security Policy described below.


The user has the right at any time to contact us for more information about what is described in this document, as well as for clarification of any doubts that may arise.


The Voima Toolbox application is the sole property of Bloom Consultoria Me Ltda., registered under CNPJ no. 06.221.722/0001-52 and State registration no. 0026742750014.


This Privacy Policy was adapted from the model created by Lawyer Diego Castro and modified on April 25, 2022, and is used with authorization in this application.


General Information

Our application is committed to complying with and respecting the principles set forth in Article 6 of the General Data Protection Law, which are listed and clarified below, in accordance with the data processing carried out by this application:

  • I) Purpose Principle: This application respects the purpose principle as stipulated in the aforementioned legislation, carrying out processing with legitimate and specific purposes, explicitly informing data subjects through this Privacy and Security Policy of how their data will be processed. No processing will be carried out in a manner incompatible with the purposes that will be described in this document.

  • II) Necessity Principle: We collect and process only the data necessary for the explicit purposes of our application, with a commitment to collect and process the minimum amount of user data. We use only relevant and proportionate information/data related to the activities performed by us, without exceeding any limits in the relationship between the user and our application, with all data collected and processed in accordance with the purposes established on our pages.

  • III) Adequacy Principle: All processing carried out on our pages is compatible with the purposes informed to the user/client, the respective data subject, and no action or mechanism that is incompatible and contrary to the necessary processing context is carried out.

  • IV) Non-discrimination: The data we collect and store will not be used for any discriminatory, vexatious, illegal, or abusive purposes.

  • V) Data Quality Principle: We ensure data subjects clarity and relevance at the time of data collection and processing, as well as the possibility of updating the data as necessary to fulfill the purpose of processing, according to the activity performed by the user/client in our application.

  • VI) Free Access Principle: We guarantee all data subjects that we process and query their data free of charge and easily, at any time they wish, through a specific channel, regarding the processing of their data, as well as any information related to the data collected, including updating the personal data of the data subject without the need for any request from our application.

  • VII) Prevention Principle: We adopt and ensure the prevention of any act that may cause harm to the data collected from users/clients, with measures implemented to prevent any uncomfortable, illegal, or damaging situations related to the personal data we process.

  • VIII) Transparency Principle: We work with clarity, precision, accuracy, and truthfulness in all information provided about data processing, with easy and available access to the user/client in this Privacy Policy, as well as in the Terms of Use on our application. Information about data processing agents follows the same transparency criteria listed above. All information provided about processing and its agents respects trade secrets and industrial secrets.

  • IX) Security Principle: We inform that we use all applicable and possible technical and administrative measures to ensure the highest protection of personal data from the moment we have access to them. The techniques used aim to protect personal data from any unauthorized access, as well as from situations that may cause damage to the data subject, whether accidental or illegal. The techniques we use aim to provide security and protection to the data subject, as they are taken to prevent and protect the collected information from any illegal situation of loss, destruction, sharing, communication, or unauthorized dissemination.

  • X) Accountability and Accountability Principle: The data controller will demonstrate and prove compliance with all applicable rules for Personal Data Protection, taking effective measures for this purpose. Our application carries out all stages related to the processing of personal data of the users/clients who access it, without violating any rules or principles contained in Law 13,709/2018, having the clear and objective purpose for the processing of each personal information collected.

About Our Application

Our application contains texts, videos, images, audios, e-books, as well as other content that you can view when accessing our tabs, all without any discriminatory, illegal, or defamatory content.


We set plans and goals to provide valuable content with relevant information related to the topic covered here.


Through this document, we commit to providing the best result when navigating our user/client, committing to act and work with total security and respect for the privacy of the personal data processed.


Pay attention to all the information provided on this page because it is through it that we clearly and directly explain how all stages of personal data processing, including sharing, occur.


At any time, this Privacy and Security Policy may be modified in accordance with regulatory updates or changes to our internal policy, which is why we invite our user/client to periodically consult this document to be immediately aware of any changes that may occur.


Information about the Data Controller and Data Processor

As provided for in Article 5 of the General Data Protection Law, we provide information here about the controller defined by the law "in verbis":


"Art. 5, VI - controller: natural or legal person, public or private, to whom decisions regarding the processing of personal data belong;"


The Voima Toolbox has as its controller, responsible for data processing and responsible for defining and making any decisions regarding data processing carried out by us, the company Bloom Consultoria Me Ltda.


Our content can also be found on Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines.


Information about the Application's Content and Age Rating

The content presented is directed at individuals who have an interest, curiosity, or seek information about the content of our application.


All content covered on our pages is produced by our team or partners, respecting national laws, as well as ethical and human values, in addition to moral principles, ensuring transparency and accuracy in all information provided.


Our application, as well as its content and partners, are recommended for individuals aged 18 and older.


If you are not 18 years old, please be aware that you need permission from your legal guardian to access the content on our pages, and you should read this Privacy Policy with them to make sure you understand and comply with its rules and principles.


We use user/client consent for all data processing, as provided for in Article 7 of the General Data Protection Law.


Registration Data

We do not need prior registration or identification for the user to access the content on all our pages. Some pages can be accessed without the user having to log in.


Registration is required only for users who wish to receive our newsletters, e-books, or other exclusive content. Registration can also occur when purchasing products and services offered on our application.


In cases of registration on our pages, the user/client will be informed about the collection and use of personal data. The user/client will also be asked for consent to have their data collected and processed.


Forms and Data Collection

Whenever we request personal information from the user/client, we will clearly inform the purpose of collecting this information.


User/client consent will be requested for all data collection. Consent can be given by clicking on an acceptance button, checking a checkbox, or other means, depending on the method used in the data collection form.

The user/client may, at any time, revoke the consent given for data processing, subject to the legal limits and contractual rules.

For revocation, a simple request can be made through the contact channels provided by us.


Data Collection

The personal data we collect depends on the user/client's activity on our application. We collect data through the following means:


  • Cookies: Our application uses cookies to improve the user/client's browsing experience. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the user's device and help us recognize them on subsequent visits to our application. Cookies do not contain personal information and are not used to identify the user. The user can disable cookies in their browser settings, but this may affect the functionality of our application.


  • Contact Form: When the user/client contacts us through the contact form available on our application, we collect their name and email address, as well as any other information they choose to provide in the message.


  • Newsletter Subscription: When the user/client subscribes to our newsletter, we collect their name and email address. Subscribing to the newsletter is optional, and the user can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the newsletter.


  • Purchase Data: If the user/client makes a purchase on our application, we collect the necessary information to process the transaction, including their name, email address, shipping address, and payment information. We do not store payment card information; it is processed securely by our payment processor.


  • Analytics: We use analytics tools to collect information about how users interact with our application. This information includes IP addresses, browser types, pages visited, and other usage data. This data is collected and analyzed in an aggregated and anonymized form to help us improve our application's performance and user experience.


Data Use

We use the data collected for the following purposes:


  • To Provide and Maintain Our Services: We use the data to operate, maintain, and improve our application, including providing customer support, and to fulfill any requests made by the user/client.


  • To Send Newsletters and Promotional Content: If the user/client has subscribed to our newsletter or provided consent to receive promotional content, we use their email address to send them updates, newsletters, and other promotional material. The user/client can opt-out of receiving such communications at any time.


  • To Process Transactions: If the user/client makes a purchase on our application, we use their data to process the transaction, including verifying payment information and shipping orders.


  • To Analyze and Improve Our Application: We use analytics data to better understand how users interact with our application and to make improvements to its content and functionality.


  • To Respond to User Inquiries: When the user/client contacts us with questions or feedback, we use their data to respond to their inquiries and provide support.


Data Sharing

We do not sell or rent user/client data to third parties. However, we may share data with the following categories of recipients:

  • Service Providers: We may share data with third-party service providers who assist us in operating our application, including hosting, payment processing, analytics, and email delivery.


  • Legal Requirements: We may disclose data if required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, court order, or legal process.


  • Protection of Rights: We may disclose data when we believe it is necessary to protect our rights, enforce our Terms and Conditions, or investigate potential violations of our policies.


  • Business Transfers: If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, user/client data may be transferred as part of that transaction.


Data Retention

We retain user/client data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected and to comply with legal obligations. If the user/client requests the deletion of their data, we will make reasonable efforts to honor that request, unless retention is necessary for legal compliance or other legitimate purposes.


Data Security

We take data security seriously and implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect user/client data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is completely secure, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of user/client data.


User Rights

Under applicable data protection laws, the user/client may have certain rights regarding their data, including:

  • Access: The right to access personal data we hold about the user/client.

  • Rectification: The right to request that we correct inaccurate or incomplete data about them.

  • Erasure: The right to request the deletion of their data.

  • Data Portability: The right to receive a copy of their data in a commonly used and machine-readable format.

  • Restriction of Processing: The right to request that we limit the processing of their data.

  • Objection to Processing: The right to object to the processing of their data on certain grounds.

  • Withdrawal of Consent: If we rely on user/client consent to process their data, the right to withdraw that consent at any time.

To exercise these rights or make inquiries about their data, the user/client can contact us using the contact information provided in this Privacy Policy.


Children's Privacy

Our application is not intended for children under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children. If we become aware that we have collected personal information from a child without parental consent, we will take steps to delete that information.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes to our data practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. The updated Privacy Policy will be posted on our application, and the date of the latest revision will be indicated at the top of the Privacy Policy.


Contact Information

If the user/client has any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this Privacy Policy or the data we hold about them, they can contact us using the following information:


Email: marciorvneto@gmail.com

Postal Address: Rua Desembargador Jorge Fontana, 80, sala 1105. Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Zip Code: 30320-670

Last Updated: 10/22/2023


Acceptance of this Privacy Policy

By using our application, the user/client acknowledges that they have read and understood this Privacy and Security Policy and agree to its terms. If the user/client does not agree with this Privacy Policy, they should not use our application.


This Privacy Policy is an integral part of our Terms and Conditions of Use, which govern the use of our application. Please review our Terms and Conditions of Use separately for additional information on the rules and responsibilities associated with using our application.



This Privacy Policy was adapted from the model created by Lawyer Diego Castro which can be accessed through the following link: https://diegocastro.adv.br/modelo-politica-privacidade/