Tê que recebe água
Given the flow

Input data

Diameter (D)

Diameter (d)


Output data

Head loss coefficient (kQd)

Head loss coefficient (kQs)

k applicable to h = k.Ud²/2g

k applicable to h = k.Us²/2g


Given the upstream and the lateral diameter of the tee, and the relationship between the inflow and the lateral inflow, calculates the head loss coefficients applied to the equation hf = kQ.Q² or: Given the inflow and the upstream diameter of the tee, the lateral inflow and the lateral diameter of the tee, calculates the minor losses at the tee and its lateral inflow.


  • AZEVEDO NETTO, J. M. DE. Manual de hidráulica. 9. Ed. São Paulo, Blucher, 2015.