Lagoa facultativa: método de Mara

Input data

Average flow

Influent BOD


Air temperature of the coldest month


Output data

Suggested area

Influent BOD load

Applied load in the pond

Bearable load by the pond

Volume of the pond, disregarding the slopes

Resulting detention time


Given the average incoming flow and BOD, the average area and depth of the pond and the coldest month average temperature, suggests the area for the pond and calculates the resulting organic superficial load and the maximum superficial load that the pond can bear. Also, calculates the volume of the pond and the recommended volume that should be adopted. The hydraulic detention time is also calculated.



  • Application rates and retention times in optional ponds:

    Application rate, kg BOD/ha.dEquivalent population/haDetention time, daysLocal Considerations
    < 10< 200> 200Very cold regions, with sporadic ice coverage, low temperature, variable cloud cover.
    10 - 50200 - 1000200 - 100Cold climate with seasonal ice cover and mild summer temperatures for short periods.
    50 - 1501000 - 3000100 - 33Temperate to non-tropical regions, occasional ice cover, no prolonged cloud cover.
    100 - 3503000 - 700033 - 17Tropical regions, evenly distributed sun and temperature, no seasonal cloud cover.
  • L/B Ratio: 2 \le L/B \le 5

  • The surface of an optional lake must be less than 15 ha.

  • Depth y: 1.20 m <\le y \le 2.00 m; larger values are recommended.

  • Organic load application rate: \ge 100 g BOD/m³.d; \le 400 g BOD/m³.d. Higher loads are applicable to higher temperature conditions.

  • Mara's criterion leads to values close to limits at which the lagoon starts to behave as anaerobic; must be adopted with discretion.e


  • Jordão, Eduardo P., Pessôa, C. A. Tratamento de esgotos domésticos. 7. Ed. Rio de Janeiro, ABES, 2014.