Filtro biológico percolador de alta capacidade

Input data

Average upflow

Maximum upflow

Upflow BOD

Support environment

Filter's depth

Number of biological filters

Diameter of the filter

Recirculated sewage flow

Output data

Recirculation ratio

Recirculation factor

Hidraulic load for the maximum flow

Organic load


Downflow DOB


Given the incoming average and maximum flow, the incoming BOD, the number of filters, the geometric characteristics of each filter and the recirculation flow, calculates the treatment efficiency and the effluent BOD.

Percolator Filter

Operation and project caracteristcs of PBF

Support environmentRocksPlastic
Hidraulic load minimum (m³/m².day)1010
Hidraulic load maximum (m³/m².day)5075
Organic load (kg BOD/m³.day)<1.2<3.0
Minimum depth (m)1.54
Maximum depth (m)2.512
Minimum recirculation ratio11
Maximum recirculation ratio23
Minimum efficiency of BOD removal (%)8080
Maximum efficiency of BOD removal (%)9090


  • Jordão, E. P.,Pessôa, C. A. Tratamento de esgotos domésticos.7. Ed. Rio de Janeiro: ABES, 2014.